Rami Malek received actual about what seems like a fairly scary scenario with the police.In a brand new interview with the Guardian, the Oscar-winning actor — who’s Egyptian — claimed that he was as soon as racially profiled by the Los Angeles Police Division.“I received thrown on the bonnet of an LAPD cop automotive as a result of somebody had robbed a liquor retailer and stolen a lady’s bag,” he recalled, earlier than claiming that he was instructed the suspect was “of Latin descent.”“You match the outline,” he remembered the cops saying to him.“I keep in mind how sizzling that engine was, they will need to have been racing over there and it was nearly burning my arms,” he mentioned, explaining that he was solely launched as a result of his “Caucasian” pal “was intelligent sufficient to go, ‘Really, sir, he’s Egyptian. Not Latin.’”“I keep in mind laughing on the cop automotive, considering, ‘OK, it is a very precarious scenario. I could be going to jail for one thing I’ve not accomplished.’”You may learn all the interview right here.