On Tuesday, Mandy shared on her Instagram story that she, her kids, and her pets left their house and have been secure.“Evacuated and secure with children, canine and cats. Praying and grateful for the primary responders,” she wrote.She shared an replace on Wednesday, saying in one other Instagram story that she would not know if her house is making it by the fires.“Grateful for the kindness of buddies that we had a spot to land final night time,” she wrote. “Attempting to protect the children from the immense unhappiness and fear I really feel.”“Praying for everybody in our lovely metropolis. So gutted for the destruction and loss,” she continued. “Do not know if our place made it.”She shared one other replace on Wednesday. Mandy posted a video of Altadena, an space of Los Angeles County, going through the brunt of the fires. The footage confirmed destruction on the aspect of the highway from the fires. “That is Altadena. Degree. My candy house. I’m devastated and gutted for these of us who’ve misplaced a lot. I am Completely numb,” she wrote.Based on CBS Information, the Eaton hearth had burned 10,600 acres by Wednesday morning.The publication additionally reported that 30,000 residents have been compelled to evacuate resulting from simply the Palisades hearth.