After greater than 16 years of marriage and weeks of rumors {that a} separation had taken place, Jessica confirmed the information in an Instagram put up accompanied by a press release.“I have been on a journey of self-realization and transformation for years,” she wrote, “each as a person and in partnership with Money. I am pleased with how we have grown as a pair and in our marriage during the last 20 years and it is now time for us to embark on a brand new chapter of development and evolution as people.”“We’re transferring ahead with love and kindness and respect for one another and can endlessly be household. Our kids stay our highest precedence and we request privateness right now.”Money and Jessica obtained married in 2008, however they really met in 2004 whereas the latter was filming the primary Unbelievable 4 film. They share three kids: Honor Marie (born in 2008), Haven Garner (2011), and Hayes (2017).We’ll see if both of them has something extra to say concerning the separation within the weeks to come back, but it surely’ll in all probability be some time — if in any respect (Jessica is likely one of the extra personal celebs in the case of her private life) — earlier than we do.